Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Final Project Inspiration / Research

Final project inspiration/research
I was looking through pictures of creative teapots when I saw one with a  hole. I thought it was really cool and wanted to make something like that. I looked on youtube or something regarding how to make a donut-shaped teapot. The ones I saw used the wheel. I don’t know how to use the wheel, so I figured out how to make it using hard slabs and soft slabs. The circular shape of the teapot was quite unique to me. I also liked how thin and long spouts looked on a donut-shaped teapot, so I decided to imitate it slightly. I thought about making the donut itself a handle (like you stick your hand through and hold it), but I ended up making a handle for it.

I also thought about making a biographical totem pole like the native Americans did. I thought about making animal heads or faces as the design. But in the end, I didn’t create a totem pole mainly because of glazing. I’m really bad at glazing and to create the vibrant colors like native American totem poles will be difficult.
(Here are some more donut pictures that inspired me.)

(I thought about making a real donut)

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